Molly is my 20 year old step-sister, and Missy's eldest daughter. She recently graduated from Vancouver Film Academy and spent her first days in the north-west in Vancouver visiting old friends.
She arrives Monday morning, fresh and eager to begin painting the living-room (a room we all saved for her upon her request). The living-room will be the only room done up in a more Gothic Victorian style. Dark colors, a new dark chandelier, darker furniture, and a beautiful deep navy, gold, and red area rug. It has definitely been the room everyone has been waiting to see come together. The paint choices were Behr Cottage White on the top (ceiling included), and from the Martha Stewart Collection, Missy picked Barn (a deep red). The paint guy at Home Depot recommended we do a grey primer first, as reds can take several coats to appear their desired color. Reds apparently, are notoriously difficult, as we found out as well.
By late Monday night she had finished her first coat of the grey "gripper" primer. I was truly amazed, she worked throughout the day without any breaks!
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